This Dream Brought me comfort

Dom in Utah
At the start of his freshman year in college, PJ (a friend of Dom’s who was also in the accident) was sharing his experience with a new friend who’d heard nothing of the tragedy before.
The two became close and had discussions about Dom, loss, and their faith in God. PJ’s friend, who was also Catholic, revealed his faith had been waning.
Over Christmas break, PJ’s friend was at a restaurant in Park City, Utah. While there he was stunned to see a carving in the wall commemorating Dom’s passing.
He knew immediately this was the same Dom and same loss his friend PJ had been talking about, and he was crossing paths with Dom thousands of miles away.
The friend told PJ that he believed this experience couldn’t be random and that God put him in that restaurant for a reason: to restore his faith.

At the foot of Croagh Patrick

The Petteys recently made their first visit to Ireland.
After the traditional pilgrim’s hike up Croagh Patrick, they stopped into Campbell’s at the foot of the mountain. There was Dominik’s funeral card pinned to the rafters.
"The kid still messes with us...." (Text and image sent to the Petteys)
Some of Dominik’s friends stopped into a church together on his 18th birthday in 2015.
“Thinking about you guys today, sending love and prayers your way. [We] are at the beach and won’t make it today but we went to church and in the middle of praying D. felt something looking at him and he looked up and saw the photo of Jesus that’s on the back of the prayer card. Coincidentally it was the only picture lit up in the church. The kid still messes with us to this day.”

“In the past year, I have realized how lucky I am to have gotten to know Dom.
I have said this before, but he feels closer to me now than ever. All the Gonzaga boys
in our class going to school near Philadelphia met for Mass last night to celebrate
the fact that we all had the opportunity to know and develop a relationship with Dom.”
- Gonzaga Classmate